Winter Research Conference on Machine Learning and Business
Conference Program
Session 1: Cryptocurrency Friday 2/12 9:00AM ET |
Chairperson: Evgeny Lyandres, Tel Aviv University | ||
Do Cryptocurrencies Have Fundamental Values Yukun Liu, University of Rochester Jinfei Sheng, University of California, Irvine Wanyi Wang, University of California, Irvine |
Competition and Product Quality: Fake Trading on Crypto Exchanges Dan Amiram, Tel Aviv University Evgeny Lyandres, Tel Aviv University Daniel Rabetti, Tel Aviv University |
Peer Co-Movement in Crypto Markets Gustavo Schwenkler, Santa Clara University Hannan Zheng, Boston University |
Presenter: Jinfei Sheng, University of California, Irvine | Presenter: Evgeny Lyandres, Tel Aviv University | Presenter: Gustavo Schwenkler, Santa Clara University |
Discussant: Evgeny Lyandres, Tel Aviv University | Discussant: Gustavo Schwenkler, Santa Clara University | Discussant: Jinfei Sheng, University of California, Irvine |
Break Friday 2/12 10:30AM ET Friday 2/12 10:30AM ET |
Session 2: Empirical Asset Pricing A Friday 2/12 10:45AM ET |
Chairperson: Markus Pelger, Stanford University | ||
The Cyber Risk Premium Hao Jiang, Michigan State University Naveen Khanna, Michigan State University Qian Yang, Michigan State University |
Deep Learning in Asset Pricing Luyang Chen, Stanford University Markus Pelger, Stanford University Jason Zhu, Stanford University |
Asset Pricing with Realistic Crises Dynamics Goutham Gopalakrishna, EPFL |
Presenter: Qian Yang, Michigan State University | Presenter: Markus Pelger, Stanford University | Presenter: Goutham Gopalakrishna, EPFL |
Discussant: Markus Pelger, Stanford University | Discussant: Goutham Gopalakrishna, EPFL | Discussant: Qian Yang, Michigan State University |
Lunch Break Friday 2/12 12:15PM ET |
Keynote Address: Alexander Fleiss, Rebellion Research Friday 2/12 1:00PM ET |
Panel Session, AI in Finance Friday 2/12 2:00PM ET |
Break Friday 2/12 3:30PM ET |
Session 3: Methodological Innovations A Friday 2/12 3:45PM ET |
Chairperson: Andriy Shkilko, Wilfrid Laurier University | ||
Assessing Human Information Processing in Lending Decisions: A Machine Learning Approach Miao Liu, University of Chicago |
Real-time Price Discovery via Verbal Communication: Roberto Gomez-Cram, London Business School Marco Grotteria, London Business School |
The Conduits of Price Discovery: A Machine Learning Approach Amy Kwan, University of Sydney Richard Philip, University of Sydney Andriy Shkilko, Wilfrid Laurier University |
Presenter: Miao Liu, University of Chicago | Presenter: Roberto Gomez-Cram, London Business School | Presenter: Andriy Shkilko, Wilfrid Laurier University |
Discussant: Andriy Shkilko, Wilfrid Laurier University | Discussant: Miao Liu, University of Chicago | Discussant: Roberto Gomez-Cram, London Business School |
Break Friday 2/12 5:15PM ET |
Session 4: Methodological Innovations B Friday 2/12 5:30PM ET |
Chairperson: Diego Garcia, University of Colorado Boulder | |||
The Serial Dependence of the Commodity Futures Returns: A Machine Learning Approach Yufeng Han, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Lingfei Kong, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
The Colour of Finance Words Diego Garcia, University of Colorado Boulder Xiaowen Hu, University of Colorado Boulder Maximilian Rohrer, Norwegian School of Economics
AlphaPortfolio: Single-Step Construction through Reinforcement Learning and Economically Interpretable AI Lin William Cong, Cornell University Ke Tang, Tsinghua University Jingyuan Wang, Beihang University Yang Zhang, Beihang University |
You Only Look Once: Real Time Volatility Regime Detection with Intraday Realized Features Peng Cheng, J.P.Morgan Marko Kolanovic, J.P.Morgan
Presenter: Lingfei Kong, University of North Carolina at Charlotte | Presenter: Diego Garcia, University of Colorado Boulder | Presenter: Lin William Cong, Cornell University | Presenter: Peng Cheng, J.P.Morgan |
Session 5: Corporate Governance Saturday 2/13 9:00AM ET |
Chairperson: Baozhong Yang, Georgia State University | ||
How to Talk When a Machine is Listening: Corporate Disclosure in the Age of AI Sean Cao, Georgia State University Wei Jiang, Columbia University Baozhong Yang, Georgia State University Alan Zhang, Georgia State University |
The Impact of Tightly Contested Governance Proposals on Firms' Narrative Disclosures: Evidence from a Regression-Discontinuity Design Abhishek Ganguly, University of Oklahoma Arup Ganguly, University of Mississippi Lin Ge, University of Mississippi Chad Zutter, University of Pittsburgh |
Is Positive Sentiment in Corporate Annual Reports Informative? Evidence from Deep Learning Mehran Azimi, University of Alabama Anup Agrawal, University of Alabama |
Presenter: Baozhong Yang, Georgia State University | Presenter: Arup Ganguly, University of Mississippi | Presenter: Mehran Azimi, University of Alabama |
Discussant: Arup Ganguly, University of Mississippi | Discussant: Mehran Azimi, University of Alabama | Discussant: Baozhong Yang, Georgia State University |
Break Saturday 2/13 10:30AM ET |
Session 6: Corporate Finance Saturday 2/13 10:45AM ET |
Chairperson: Oliver Binz, INSEAD | ||
Fundamental Analysis via Machine Learning Kai Cao, HKUST Haifeng You, HKUST |
What Can Analysts Learn from Artificial Intelligence about Fundamental Analysis? Oliver Binz, INSEAD Katherine Schipper, Duke University Kevin Standridge, Duke University |
Bankruptcy Prediction of Privately Held SMEs Using Feature Selection Methods Florentina Paraschiv, NUST Markus Schmid, University of St. Gallen Ranik Raaen Wahlstrom, NUST |
Presenter: Haifeng You, HKUST | Presenter: Oliver Binz, INSEAD | Presenter: Ranik Raaen Wahlstrom, NUST |
Discussant: Ranik Raaen Wahlstrom, NUST | Discussant: Haifeng You, HKUST | Discussant: Oliver Binz, INSEAD |
Lunch Break Saturday 2/13 12:15PM ET |
Keynote Address: Yingying Fan, University of Southern California Saturday 2/13 1:00PM ET |
Session 7 Saturday 2/13 2:00PM ET |
Chairperson: Yongtao Guan, University of Miami | ||
Speakers: Zhengling Qi, The George Washington University |
Break | Saturday 2/13 3:30PM ET | |
Session 8: Institutions and Analysts | Saturday 2/13 3:45PM ET | |
Chairperson: Jillian Grennan, Duke University | ||
Uncovering Mutual Fund Skill with Machine Learning Alan Zhang, Georgia State University
Artificial Intelligence and High-Skilled Work: Evidence from Analysts Jillian Grennan, Duke University Roni Michaely, University of Geneva |
Aggregating Artificially Intelligent Earnings Forecasts Vidhi Chhaochharia, University of Miami Alok Kumar, University of Miami Swathi Murali, University of Miami Ville Rantala, University of Miami |
Presenter: Alan Zhang, Georgia State University | Presenter: Jillian Grennan, Duke University | Presenter: Ville Rantala, University of Miami |
Discussant: Ville Rantala, University of Miami | Discussant: Alan Zhang, Georgia State University | Discussant: Jillian Grennan, Duke University |
Break | Saturday 2/13 5:15PM ET | |
Session 9: Empirical Asset Pricing B | Saturday 2/13 5:30PM ET | |
Chairperson: Paul Borochin, University of Miami | ||
Machine Learning Classification Methods and Portfolio Allocation: An Examination of Market Efficiency Yang Bai, University of Missouri Kuntara Pukthuanthong, University of Missouri
Charting By Machines Scott Murray, Georgia State University Houping Xiao, Georgia State University Yusen Xia, Georgia State University
Modeling Heterogeneity in Firm-level Return Predictability with Machine Learning Theodoros Evgeniou, INSEAD Ahmed Guecioueur, INSEAD Rodolfo Prieto, INSEAD |
Presenter: Yang Bai, University of Missouri | Presenter: Scott Murray, Georgia State University | Presenter: Ahmed Guecioueur, INSEAD |
Discussant: Ahmed Guecioueur, INSEAD | Discussant: Yang Bai, University of Missouri | Discussant: Scott Murray, Georgia State University |