Interdisciplinary Research
Sustainable Business
Research and Publications
- Temperature Sensitivity, Mispricing, and Predictable Returns
- Does Regulation-Induced Corporate Benevolence Create Societal Impact? Evidence from the 2013 Indian CSR Reform
- Discussion of “Do green business practices license self-dealing or prime prosociality? Cross-domain evidence from environmental concern triggers
- Diversity Representations in Advertising: Enhancing Variety Perceptions and Brand Outcomes
- Public Preferences for Coastal Adaptation: Economic Evidence from a Discrete Choice Experiment for Hard Structures and Nature-Based Solutions in Miami, Florida
- Sharing and expanding the co-benefits of conservation
- Solar Geoengineering, Learning, and Experimentation
- Trans-Sector Livelihood Resilience in an Urban Small-Scale Fishing Community
- A mindfulness perspective on the link between abusive supervision climate and team conflict
- Adaptation Infrastructure and its Effects on Property Values in the Face of Climate Impacts
- Effect of Guided Delegation and Information Proximity on Multitier Responsible Sourcing
- Global effects of marine protected areas on food security are unknown
- On the performance of the United States nuclear power sector: a Bayesian approach
- Property rights and human capital investment
- Reconsidering prosocial behavior as intersocial: A literature review and a new perspective
- ‘Mere Puffery’ or Credible Disclosure? The Real Effects of Adopting Voluntary ESG Disclosure Standards
- Counter-stereotypical female role models and women’s occupational choices
- Does leadership still not need emotional intelligence?: continuing The Great EI Debate
- Whales in the carbon cycle: can recovery remove carbon dioxide?
- Investment Inefficiency and Corporate Social Responsibility
- Opportunities and challenges for livelihood resilience in urban and rural Mexican small-scale fisheries
- Overcapacity in Gulf of Mexico reef fish IFQ fisheries: 12 years after the adoption of IFQs
- Risk-taking propensity as a risk factor for noise-induced hearing loss in the general population
- The Impact of Juvenile Conviction on Human Capital and Labor Market Outcomes
- The lack of property rights can make natural disasters worse: The case of small-scale fisheries in Chile
- The persistent transboundary problem in marine natural resource management
- When Disaster Strikes! An Interdisciplinary Review of Disasters and Their Organizational Consequences
- Chief executive officer positive framing and employee ownership
- Data-Driven Estimation of Treatment Buffers in Hedonic Analysis: An Examination of Surface Coal Mines
- Examining Ways to Improve Weight Control Programs’ Population Reach and Representativeness: A Discrete Choice Experiment of Financial Incentives
- Investors' Perceptions of Activism via Voting: Evidence from Contentious Shareholder Meetings
- It's Good to Be Different: How Diversity Impacts Judgments of Moral Behavior
- Models of marine protected areas must explicitly address spatial dynamics
- Striving for Improvement: The Perceived Value of Improving Hurricane Forecast Accuracy
- Transboundary marine protected areas
Past Speakers & Events
7th Annual CSO Summit & Symposium
6th Annual CSO Summit & Symposium
5th Annual CSO Summit & Symposium
Nancy Mahon
Nancy Mahon, Senior Vice President, Global Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability is a transformational, collaborative leader with deep global experience in enterprise-wide management as well as leading Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy, operations, marketing, reporting and risk reduction. In the increasingly disruptive ESG arena, Nancy is a trusted and sought-after advisor, speaker and enterprise ambassador. She is committed to taking the long view on building sustainable and inclusive companies, teams and communities. Nancy is an influential and effective company liaison with investors, ESG rankers and raters, government officials, NGOs, employees and customers. .
Lisa Jackson
December 8, 2021
Lisa Jackson, vice president for environment, policy and social initiatives at Apple, explained the company’s business model that safeguards planetary concerns while producing consumer electronics..

Virginie Hélias
Hélias, named in 2012 to develop and operationalize Procter & Gamble’s sustainability strategies and goals, highlighted a range of product innovations—from reduced-weight diapers and cold-water detergent to reduced packaging and digital watermarks to improve recycling identifications—that have supported revenues and simultaneously lessened environmental impact.

Suni Harford
Suni Harford is the President of Asset Management, UBS, talks about her role at UBS, the state of the global "build back better" agenda as it relates to climate, and how asset management can help in the fight against climate change.

Chief Sustainability Officer Summit
March 24, 2021
The fourth annual Chief Sustainability Officer Summit, a virtual full-day conference attracts chief sustainability officers from a cross-section of industries and countries to share their experience promoting sustainability in the field. This year, Prince Charles, who for decades has been an advocate for environmental concerns, delivered a five-point road map to conference attendees during a nine-minute address.

Paul Polman
Paul Polman, co-founder and chair of Imagine, a social venture accelerating business leadership to achieve sustainable development goals, addresses the global shift toward green energy technologies—such as the production of batteries to power electric cars— and how it is motivating executives to pursue more holistic performance priorities.

How Can Business Save the World?
March 5, 2020
Paul Polman, former CEO of Unilever, and co-founder and chair of Imagine, shared how business strategies that foster inclusion, diversity, and green business practices are the most likely to succeed in the changed world economy.
Purpose-Driven Leadership
The following is a list of members of the Sustainable Business Cluster, all of whom are from the University of Miami community. Clicking on a member's name takes you to their curriculum vitae.
David L. Kelly, Co-Chair: Environment
David L. Kelly is a professor of economics, Co-chair of the sustainable Business Research Cluster, and academic director of the Master of Science in Sustainable Business at the University of Miami. Professor Kelly has published in leading journals including Science, Nature, the Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, and the Journal of Economic Theory.
Khrystyna Bochkay
Khrystyna Bochkay teaches advanced managerial accounting in the undergraduate program and joined the faculty in 2014 after completing her PhD in Accounting at Rutgers University. Khrystyna holds a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and a Master's of Science in Statistics from Ivan Franko National University in L’viv, Ukraine.
Vidhi Chhaochharia, Co-Chair: Governance
Vidhi Chhaochharia is an associate professor of finance and co-chair of the Sustainable Business Research Cluster at the University of Miami. Professor Chhaochharia’s research focuses on corporate governance. Research by professor Chhaochharia has appeared in leading finance journals such as the Review of Financial Studies, the Journal of Financial Economics, and the Journal of Finance.
Marie T. Dasborough: Social
Marie Dasborough is a Professor of Management. She is a member of the Academy of Management, the Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology (Division 14 of the American Psychological Association), the Network of Leadership Scholars, the International Society for Research on Emotions, and is an invited member of the Emotional Intelligence Consortium. Her research aims to promote human sustainability in organizations, by focusing on employee emotional wellbeing. She has published in the top management journals, including Academy of Management Review, Journal of Business Ethics, The Leadership Quarterly, and Journal of Organizational Behavior. Her publications focus on leadership, teamwork, emotions, emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and authenticity.
Fabrizio Ferri: Governance
Associate Professor Fabrizio Ferri’s research focuses on corporate governance issues, with particular emphasis on shareholder activism and executive compensation, and has been published in leading accounting, finance, and law journals, including the Journal of Accounting Research and the Journal of Financial Economics.
Silvia Garrigo: ESG Strategy and Governance
Silvia Garrigo serves as assistant professor of professional practice at Miami Herbert Business School where she focuses on Sustainability/ESG: the intersection of business, society and the environment, and critical analysis and effective communication. She has 30-plus years of experience developing and executing Sustainability/ESG strategies and plans, and providing legal advice to publicly held companies, as Royal Caribbean Group’s Senior Vice President and Chief ESG Officer; Vice President of Corporate Responsibility at Millicom International; and through executive and senior legal positions at Chevron Corporation. Working with cross-functional teams, she developed best practices for ESG, including governance, shareholder and stakeholder engagement, reporting, crisis communications, enterprise risk management, climate change, supply chain management, diversity, equity and inclusion, environmental stewardship, and human rights.
Rong Hai: Social
Rong Hai is an assistant professor of economics. Rong Hai’s research focuses on inequality and labor economics. Her research has been published in leading economics journals including the Journal of Monetary Economics and Economic Journal.
Daniel Hicks: Sustainability
Daniel Hicks is an economics professor, professional journalist, former network tv news producer, management consultant & talent coach. While covering Hollywood and West Coast business news in 2004, he created CNBC's first-and-only, multiyear corporate sustainability series sponsored by Japanese carmaker Toyota Motors, oil giant British Petroleum and General Electric.
Uzma Khan: Social
Uzma Khan is an associate professor of marketing. Her research focuses on risk perception, prosocial behavior, DEI, and decision-making. Her work has been published in leading marketing, management, and psychology journals including the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science, and Psychological Science. She is an associate editor for the Journal of Consumer Psychology and is on the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Consumer Research and the Journal of Marketing Research. She has won several awards for her research, teaching excellence, and service.
Renato Molina: Environment
Renato Molina is an engineer and economist specializing in environmental and resource economics. His work focuses on topics at the intersection between game theory, sustainability, and institutional settings. His current research explores the role of property rights in the economic impact of natural disasters, the use of conservation for strategies to control for competitive incentives in the commons, and how global trade is affected by criminal activities in the ocean.
Christopher Parmeter: Environment
Associate Professor Christopher Parmeter’s research focuses on statistically estimating the value of providing environmental goods. Such valuations allow firms to prioritize their efforts towards environmental activities that have the largest impacts. Professor Parmeter has published in leading environmental economics and econometric journals including Journal of Econometrics, Ecological Economics, and Resource and Energy Economics.
Sammi Yu Tang: Environment
Sammi Tang is an Associate Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management at the University of Miami Herbert Business School. Her research addresses issues related to supply chain risk management, outsourcing and procurement strategies, sustainable supply chains, and topics in the interface of operations management and marketing, and healthcare operations. Her research has appeared in top journals such as Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, and Journal of Marketing Research.
Claudia Townsend: Social
Claudia Townsend is an associate professor of marketing. Her research focuses on visual presentation and how to nudge prosocial behavior. Her research has been published in leading marketing journals. She is an associate editor for the Journal of Marketing and the Journal of Marketing Research and is on the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Consumer Research. She teaches Sustainable Marketing among other courses.